Saturday 3 January 2015

Consumerism- Why is animation needed?

Sigmund Frued is the founder of Psychoanalysis and had theories about the human mind that changed the world, the theory that you could unlock repressed emotions and bring the unconscious mind to the surface. 
  Edward Berneys is Sigmund's nephew, Edward Berneys is basically the father of the word propaganda and his uncles research was the influence. His influence in the media rivalled that of his uncle Sigmund Frued's psychoanalytical ideas and used them to his advantage to to build the idea of mass manipulation through the media and it's power to advertise. It became a political ideal to control people on the masses.
He wrote a book called "Propaganda" where he stated  

"If we understand the mechanism and the motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it."
From this, corporate giants learned snake tactics to get into the minds of consumers by dressing things up to appeal to the majority of the market and encouraged people to impulse buy things they didn't need or even really want. 
Edward Berneys took his uncle's theories on human behavour; he showed manufacturers how to get into the mind of it's consumers by using their unconscious desires to make them want things they did not need - Consumerism. 
This was a Revelation in advertising as it dominates the market today. 
Freud's theories and tactics were originally hated and unaccepted because people could accept that someone could get into the mind of others and saw it as a potential danger on their society, and saw that people who could get into the minds of others had to be able to question themselves and the government they stood by/for.

I think advertising uses colours and appeasing typography to appeal to people and I think it's all cleverly sculptured to make people feel things subconsciously, like greed, happiness, ect. 
Berneys was even hired by tobacco companies to encourage women to take up smoking.
He was also hired by the US government to maintain fear mongering to gain control, Berneys called this "The Mass Mine". 

Propaganda is as old as time but Berneys used it to his full advantage and in some sense also fathered consumerism. 

In my personal opinion I think he also used it to his advantage to get himself hired by corporate giants and the US government.. Advertisement in itself is to convince people they had to have something and company owners had to have him to start that. I think it was a well pioneered game he played. 

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